Va. saw jobs recovery drop in September
After recovering a total of 68,000 jobs in August, Virginia saw its labor force fall by 71,954, or 1.7%, in September, according to employment statistics released Tuesday by the Virginia Employment Commission. Between September 2019 and September 2020, the VEC estimates that Virginia has lost 207,100 jobs a 5.1% decrease. The commonwealth also saw a […]
Va. saw initial jobless claims drop again last week
Virginia continued to see a small decline in the number of initial jobless claims last week, the Virginia Employment Commission reported Thursday, and the number of continued claims filed during the week ending Oct. 10 was nearly two thirds lower than its May 16 peak. For the week ending Oct. 10, 9,110 Virginians filed initial […]
Va. weekly initial jobless claims increase by 15%
The number of weekly initial jobless claims in Virginia increased by 15% last week, but the number of weekly continuing unemployment claims dropped by 7.5%, the Virginia Employment Commission reported Thursday. For the week ending Oct. 3, 10,843 Virginians filed initial claims for unemployment, up from 9,377 the previous week. Last week, 160,764 Virginians filed […]
Va. jobless claims drop slightly last week
Virginia saw a small decrease in the number of initial jobless claims last week, the Virginia Employment Commission reported Thursday, but the number of initial claims filed from mid-March through the Sept. 26 filing week totaled 1.167 million, or 28.4% of pre-pandemic payroll employment. For the week ending Sept. 26, 9,377 Virginians filed initial claims […]
Va. sees small increase in initial jobless claims last week
Virginia saw a marginal increase in the number of initial jobless claims last week, the Virginia Employment Commission reported Thursday, but continued the trend of lower claims volumes seen in recent months following the peak in April. For the week ending Sept. 19, 10,582 Virginians filed initial claims for unemployment, an increase of 482 from […]
Va. recovers 68K jobs in August
In August, Virginia employers recovered a total of 68,000 jobs (a 1.8% increase from July), but the commonwealth is still 212,600 jobs shy of where it was last year, according to employment statistics released Friday by the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics. “Despite the sizable increase in August, total employment remains way below the pre-pandemic […]
Va. initial jobless claims slightly drop last week
Virginia saw a slight decrease in the number of initial jobless claims last week, the Virginia Employment Commission reported Thursday, but the number of ongoing claims has dropped to 50% from the May 16 filing week peak, when 403,557 Virginians filed for unemployment. For the week ending Sept. 12, 10,100 Virginians filed initial claims for […]
Va. saw slight increase in jobless claims last week
Virginia saw a slight increase in the number of initial jobless claims last week, the Virginia Employment Commission reported Thursday — bringing the total number of initial claims filed since mid-March to 1.136 million, or nearly 28% of the commonwealth’s pre-pandemic payroll employment. For the week ending Sept. 5, 11,135 Virginians filed initial claims for […]
Va. jobless claims during pandemic exceed Great Recession
While Virginia saw a slight decrease in the number of initial jobless claims last week, the Virginia Employment Commission reported Thursday that the total number of initial claims filed since the beginning of the pandemic is greater than the combined totals filed during the 2007-09 Great Recession and the economic recession in 2001. For the […]
Va. reports 8% unemployment rate for July
Despite the ongoing pandemic, Virginia’s unemployment rate was 2.5% lower than the national average for the month of July, according to statistics released by the Virginia Employment Commission on Wednesday. For the month of July, the U.S. reported a 10.5% unemployment rate while Virginia reported an 8% unemployment rate, a 0.2% improvement from the month […]
Va. saw slight decrease in initial jobless claims last week
More than 11,000 Virginians filed initial jobless claims last week — a decrease of nearly 4,000 claims from the previous week, according to the Virginia Employment Commission. The number of initial claims filed during the Aug. 22 filing week fell to near the average weekly volume in 2009, according to the VEC. However, 249,745 people […]
Va. saw slight uptick in initial jobless claims last week
More than 15,000 Virginians filed initial jobless claims last week — an increase of more than 1,800 claims from the previous week, according to the Virginia Employment Commission. “The increase in initial claims for unemployment benefits in Virginia reverses the trend of declining claims over the last two weeks,” Dominique Johnson, research associate with Old […]