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Mar 15, 2021

Va. unemployment fell to 5.3% in January

Virginia’s unemployment rate dropped from 5.6% in December 2020 to 5.3% in January, Gov. Ralph Northam announced Monday. The state saw a gain of 14,100 nonfarm payroll jobs during January. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 6.3% in January, falling to 6.2% in February. Nevertheless, Virginia’s January unemployment rate was still significantly higher than in […]

Mar 11, 2021

New jobless claims increased last week in Va.

Initial unemployment claims increased across the state last week, while continued claims dropped slightly, the Virginia Employment Commission reported Thursday. For the filing week ending March 6, 13,736 people filed new claims for unemployment insurance, up from 12,155 the previous week. Meanwhile, 62,269 people filed continued claims, marking a 2.7% decrease from the previous week […]

Feb 26, 2021

Labor market recovery slowed during early February

Labor market recovery slowed during the week of Feb. 7 through Feb. 13, according to Virginia Commonwealth University and Arizona State University economists. Between early January and early February, employment held constant at 68.6%, which is 5.2% lower than it was in February 2020, according to the Real-Time Population Survey conducted by Virginia Commonwealth University […]

Initial unemployment insurance claimants by county and city weeks ending Feb. 6 over Jan. 30 change. Green shows a decrease, yellow shows an increase of 1 to 10 claimants and red shows an increase of 11 to 24 claimants. Graphic courtesy Virginia Employment Commission
Feb 25, 2021

Va. saw nearly 20% drop in initial jobless claims last week

Initial jobless claims filed last week fell 19.8% from the previous week, according to figures released Thursday by the Virginia Employment Commission but continued claims slightly increased. During the week ending Feb. 20, 11,944 Virginians filed initial unemployment claims, compared to 14,901 from the week prior.  Last week, 64,575 Virginians remained unemployed; that represents 42,082 [&hellip[...]

Initial unemployment insurance claimants by county and city weeks ending Feb. 6 over Jan. 30 change. Green shows a decrease, yellow shows an increase of 1 to 20 claimants and red shows an increase of 21 to 71 claimants. Graphic courtesy Virginia Employment Commission
Feb 18, 2021

Va. saw slight uptick in jobless claims last week

Initial jobless claims filed last week rose 4.9% from the previous week, according to figures released Thursday by the Virginia Employment Commission, while continued claims slightly dropped. During the week ending Feb. 13, 14,901 Virginians filed initial unemployment claims, compared to 14,203 from the week prior.  Last week, 62,624 Virginians remained unemployed; that represents 40,143 [&hellip[...]

Feb 11, 2021

Initial jobless claims dropped 21.9% last week, but remain elevated

Initial jobless claims filed last week dropped 21.9% from the previous week, but still remain high compared with pre-pandemic levels, according to figures released Thursday by the Virginia Employment Commission. During the week ending Feb. 6, 14,203 Virginians filed initial unemployment claims, compared to 18,177 from the week prior.  Last week, 65,091 Virginians remained unemployed, […]

Initial unemployment insurance claimants by county and city weeks ending Jan. 30 over Jan. 23 change. Green shows a decrease, yellow shows an increase of 1 to 10 claimants and red shows an increase of 11 to 58 claimants. Graphic courtesy Virginia Employment Commission
Feb 4, 2021

Va. initial jobless claims remain high

Initial jobless claims filed last week were essentially unchanged compared with the previous week, but remain high compared with pre-pandemic levels, according to figures released Thursday by the Virginia Employment Commission. During the week ending Jan. 30, 18,177 Virginians filed initial unemployment claims (compared to 18,312 from the week prior).  “Elevated levels in recent weeks […[...]

Initial unemployment insurance claimants by county and city weeks ending Jan. 23 over Jan. 16 change. Green shows a decrease, yellow shows an increase of 1 to 10 claimants and red shows an increase of 11 to 50 claimants. Graphic courtesy Virginia Employment Commission
Jan 28, 2021

Va. saw slight decline in initial jobless claims last week

Virginia saw a 13.1% drop in the number of initial jobless claims filed last week compared to the previous week, but unemployment remains high across the state, according to figures released by the Virginia Employment Commission on Thursday. The week ending Jan. 23 saw 18,312 Virginians filing initial unemployment claims, a decrease of 2,761 claimants […]

Employment rate, age 18-64 between January 2020 and January 2021. Graphic courtesy Real-Time Population Survey
Jan 26, 2021

Unemployment shows minimal improvement in Va., U.S.

Virginia’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate rose by less than 1% between November 2020 and December 2020, according to the Virginia Employment Commission, and the commonwealth’s 4.9% December unemployment rate for December was 2.2% higher than in December 2019. Early predictions from Virginia Commonwealth University and Arizona State University economists show that U.S. employment rat[...]

Initial unemployment insurance claimants by county and city weeks ending Jan. 9 over Jan. 2 change. Green shows a decrease, yellow shows an increase of 0 to 50 claimants and red shows an increase of 51 to 691 claimants. Graphic courtesy Virginia Employment Commission
Jan 14, 2021

Va. sees highest number of initial jobless claims since July 2020

Last week, more than 28,000 Virginians filed initial unemployment claims — a 44.5% jump from the previous week. This is the greatest number of initial claims reported since July 2020. During the week ending Jan. 9, 28,227 Virginians filed initial claims, which was an increase of 8,697 from the previous week. This could in part […]

Initial unemployment insurance claimants by county and city weeks ending Jan. 2, 2021 over Dec. 26, 2020 change. Green shows a decrease, yellow shows an increase of 0 to 50 claimants and red shows an increase of 51 to 520 claimants. Graphic courtesy Virginia Employment Commission
Jan 7, 2021

Initial jobless claims jumped 64.3% last week

The number of initial jobless claims filed last week jumped a staggering 64.3% to more than 19,000, according to Virginia Employment Commission data released Thursday. This is the highest number of initial claims reported since August 2020. For the week ending Jan. 2, 19,530 Virginians filed initial claims for unemployment, an increase of 7,640 claimants […]

Dec 22, 2020

Northam orders companies held temporarily harmless for pandemic layoffs

Gov. Ralph Northam issued an executive order Tuesday that will hold Virginia businesses harmless for any layoffs made during three months of the pandemic. The end-of-year order protects businesses from having to pay an additional $200 million in payroll taxes to replenish the Virginia Employment Commission’s Unemployment Insurance Trust. Due to the COVID-19 economic fallout, […]


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