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Virginia COVID-19 cases nearly at 750

99 Virginians hospitalized; 18 likely dead from coronavirus, pending testing

Virginia COVID-19 cases nearly at 750

99 Virginians hospitalized; 18 likely dead from coronavirus, pending testing

//March 28, 2020//

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Amid warnings from health officials that Virginia could see COVID-19 cases spike tenfold in the next 10 days, Virginia now has 739 confirmed cases, as of Saturday, March 28, up from 604 the previous day. Ninety-nine people are hospitalized in the commonwealth and as many as 18 may have died from the virus, pending test results.

Fairfax still has the most cases statewide, with 156, followed by 75 in Arlington and 65 in James City County.

While deaths in Virginia have all occurred among the elderly, more than 48% of the commonwealth’s confirmed cases are now roughly evenly split among people ages 20 to 49.

With 104,000 cases nationwide, the United States has the largest number of confirmed cases of any nation in the world. There have been more than 1,700 U.S. deaths from the virus. Globally, there are more than 615,500 confirmed cases, with more than 28,700 deaths.

Due to the shortage of COVID-19 test kits, it is difficult to ascertain how many people actually have the virus, as some people with COVID-19 only manifest mild to moderate symptoms, which do not meet thresholds for testing.


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