Vice president, public sector, VMWare Inc., Reston
Vice president, public sector, VMWare Inc., Reston
FIRST JOB: Retail salesperson at The Fashion Factory in Burke
HOBBY: Exercise in any form —walking, hiking, biking, swimming
PERSON I ADMIRE: Abraham Lincoln, for leading our country through one of its darkest times, ending the Civil War and signing the Emancipation Proclamation
WHAT I’VE LEARNED: Stay calm and keep everything in perspective.
WHAT MAKES ME PASSIONATE ABOUT MY WORK: Serving our public sector customers and helping them perform their missions more effectively, better serve constituents and improve the quality of education through digital transformation
SOMETHING I’D NEVER DO AGAIN: Go out in a boat in the Chesapeake Bay when a storm is approaching
DID YOU KNOW? Chronis is a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel and combat veteran with more than two decades of service. She served in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, stationed in Saudi Arabia and Iraq, and Operation Enduring Freedom in Bosnia. A University of Virginia graduate, she has also worked for Amazon Web Services, IBM and Verizon. In 2015, Chronis ran as a Republican for the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors against incumbent Supervisor John Foust, a Democrat. Foust won reelection, garnering 15,014 votes to Chronis’ 12,615.