Director, Amazon Housing Equity Fund, Inc. Arlington County
WHAT WOULD A COMPETITOR SAY ABOUT YOU? Much like the Roomba vacuum cleaner, Catherine is “pleasantly persistent” and doesn’t give up. She will keep at it, work to find a middle ground and show results.
WHAT I’VE LEARNED: Don’t forget to have fun along the way! Life will take you by surprise in the most wonderful way, if you let it.
WHAT MAKES ME PASSIONATE ABOUT MY WORK: I am deeply moved by the ability to help people. Much of my work is serving as a bridge builder — connecting highly resourced, sophisticated, caring business leaders with community leaders and organizations that are doing truly meaningful work.
WHAT’S ONE THING YOU WOULD CHANGE ABOUT VIRGINIA? I would make it easier to build more affordable housing options across the state.
MOST RECENT BOOK READ: “Will,” by Will Smith and “True Refuge: Finding Peace and Freedom in Your Own Awakened Heart,” by Tara Brach
DID YOU KNOW? Buell leads Amazon’s housing equity fund, which has committed $795 million in loans and grants for 4,400 affordable residences in Northern Virginia and Washington, D.C.