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Va. ABC recognized as top alcohol enforcement agency

Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority wins North American award

Va. ABC recognized as top alcohol enforcement agency

Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority wins North American award

//November 18, 2020//

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The Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority (ABC) won the Alcohol Law Enforcement Agency of the Year award from the National Liquor Law Enforcement Association (NLLEA), the agency announced Wednesday.

This marks the third time that Virginia ABC has earned this recognition — also marking wins in 2002 and 2017. The NLLEA is a nonprofit association of U.S. and Canadian law enforcement personnel focusing on liquor laws and regulations. 

“While our Bureau of Law Enforcement emphasizes regulatory enforcement with an eye toward voluntary compliance, this year they went even further in supporting licensees affected by economic uncertainties brought on by the global pandemic by providing guidance and relief from regulatory challenges wherever possible,” ABC CEO Travis Hill said in a statement. “They accomplished this objective while maintaining a focus on public safety. Our agents, under Chief Tom Kirby’s leadership, have my gratitude and support in fulfilling their important mission.”

Virginia ABC was recognized for quickly processing requests for outside dining areas, takeout mixed drinks and providing on-premises beer and licenses to off-premises for curbside pickup and delivery amid the pandemic. 

“It’s an honor to receive national recognition from our peers,” Chief Law Enforcement Officer Tom Kirby said in a statement. “Throughout this extraordinary year, both sworn and nonsworn staff have worked around the clock to carry out our mission, adjusting and adapting whenever needed. It was truly a team effort.”

Virginia ABC works with approximately 19,000 licensed businesses across the commonwealth and reported a record $1.2 billion in fiscal year 2020 revenue.


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