In-state, undergraduate students attending a four-year college in Virginia can expect to pay an average of $24,000 in tuition, fees and room and board this upcoming year, according to a new report by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV).
When taking into account tuition and mandatory fees, these students can expect to pay anywhere between $9,056 and $23,400. Community college students will pay significantly less this upcoming year, $4,620. These figures represent an average increase of $612 (5.1 percent) over the previous year. Average room and board is expected to increase by $365 (3.5 percent).
SCHEV says students and families now pay, on average, 55 percent of the cost at four-year institutions, while the state pays 45 percent. The state percentage is 22 points below the 67 percent target outlined in the commonwealth’s cost-share policy.
“The cost of higher education is a shared responsibility,” SCHEV Director Peter Blake said in a statement. “This year’s report highlights the importance of aligning institutional costs, state support and student decision making. By doing so, every Virginian will find an affordable pathway to an outstanding college education.”
SCHEV creates the tuition and fees report each year for the governor and the chairs of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees.