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Top stories in 2019

Catch up with Virginia Business' biggest news from the year.

Top stories in 2019

Catch up with Virginia Business' biggest news from the year.

//December 31, 2019//

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From millennials taking control in the workplace to a Democratic takeover in Richmond, here are Virginia Business’ biggest stories from 2019.

10. The rise of the millennials | As boomers exit, the 2020s will see America’s largest generation dominate the workplace

9. 100 people to meet in 2020 | Our inaugural list of Virginians you should get to know this year

8. The pot thickens | As Virginia ponders casinos, multiple players have stakes in the game

7. ‘A whole new day’ | With Medicaid expansion lowering costs, health systems are also expanding

6. Virginia Tech Innovation Campus gets an early start

5. Landing Amazon | Virginia’s education investments made its HQ2 incentives package stand out

4. Historic gifts | Donations set new records at Virginia Tech and U.Va.

3. Dominion files proposal for 220 offshore wind turbines, the largest wind energy development in the nation

2. Virginia Business Person of the Year Stephen Moret, president and CEO of the Virginia Economic Development Partnership

1. Balance of power | A preview of the General Assembly election, which led to Virginia Democrats’ control of the House and Senate for the first time in nearly 30 years





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