Economic growth slows but Virginia’s business climate remains attractive
Kira Jenkins //March 1, 2015//
Economic growth slows but Virginia’s business climate remains attractive
Kira Jenkins //March 1, 2015//
Virginia faced economic headwinds in the past year. Sequestration — across-the-board federal budget cuts — slowed growth in the commonwealth, which has for years been one of the largest recipients of government contracts. The change was especially felt in Virginia’s defense industry that is largely concentrated in Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads.
The commonwealth’s slowing economy contributed to it being toppled from its perch as the top state for business in an annual ranking by The commonwealth fell to No. 4 last year, behind Utah, North Dakota and North Carolina. The Old Dominion had been No. 1 or No. 2 for the past eight years. “Virginia is expected to rank in the bottom half of states on growth for jobs, incomes and gross state product over the next five years, according to Moody’s,” said in explaining the downgrade.
Nonetheless, the commonwealth still is a highly attractive place to do business., for example, notes that Virginia continues to rank at the top of its regulatory category because of its strong incentive offerings and business-friendly government policies. The commonwealth also ranks well in a wide number of other lists assessing business climate and quality of life.
Despite increasing partisanship in the General Assembly, Democrats and Republicans appear to find common ground on many economic issues. Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s economic strategy is to attract investment and create jobs in industries not dependent on government spending. Last year, the state announced 286 new deals and expansions, which are expected to create 18,672 jobs and $5.5 billion in investment.
The following pages offer insights into the people, companies and institutions that continue to shape Virginia’s economy and quality of life. They include:
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