Kira Jenkins //May 29, 2015//
To the Editor:
In the article “Mason Enterprise Center To Take Over Loudoun SBDC,” [published by Leesburg Today on April 23 and picked up by the Virginia Business Daily e-News], there are misleading statements and implications that need to be clarified:
The Virginia SBDCs will continue to provide general resources and assist and support startup businesses and entrepreneurs — they represent over 40 percent of our client base and are vital contributors of new ideas and businesses. The SBDCs are integral players in the local and regional entrepreneurial ecosystems. In some areas, the SBDC is the only resource for general assistance — and we will continue in that role. In other areas, the SBDC is complemented by a range of other organizations and service providers that may be better suited to provide that general assistance. Growth firms will contribute exponentially to the economy and with access to technical assistance they could manage their growth and grow with intent. We are tooling up to enhance our capabilities to assist these firms.
Jody Keenan
Managing director, Mason Enterprise Center
Director, Virginia SBDC Network