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Southern Virginia program designed to hone proposals

Southern Virginia program designed to hone proposals

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People planning to submit economic development proposals for Southern Virginia are being offered some extra help.

GO Virginia Region 3, a group serving 13 counties and two cities in Southern Virginia, is launching “8 Weeks to Application” in February.

The two-month program will assist individuals and organizations in turning project ideas into strong proposals.

In addition to weekly emails and downloadable worksheets, the program includes two one-on-one coaching calls with economic development experts.

GO Virginia is statewide, business-led economic development initiative that provides funding for projects expected to create high-paying jobs in each of nine regions in the commonwealth

GO Virginia Region 3 includes Amelia, Brunswick, Buckingham, Charlotte, Cumberland, Halifax, Henry, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, Nottoway, Patrick, Pittsylvania and Prince Edward counties and the cities of Danville and Martinsville.

All GO Virginia projects must have support from two or more localities. In addition, all GO Virginia grants must be matched by funds from the federal government, local governments, foundations or the private sector.

Through its Growth and Diversification Plan, Region 3 identified the following priorities:

● Talent development and recruitment.
● Growth industries like advanced manufacturing, natural resource products and IT and data centers.
● Entrepreneurship, small business development and business scale-up.

To sign up for “8 Weeks to Application,” email [email protected]. The program deadline is Jan. 31.


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