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SBA opens two women’s business centers

Kira Jenkins //March 18, 2013//

SBA opens two women’s business centers

Kira Jenkins //March 18, 2013//

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The U.S. Small Business Administration has opened two new business centers in Virginia.

Women’s Biz, located at the Richmond Economic Development Corp. in Richmond, serves women entrepreneurs in the Richmond and Petersburg area. The Women’s Business Center in Norfolk is the newest addition to Old Dominion University’s Business Gateway.

The centers offer counseling, networking events, training, technical assistance and mentoring to women interested in starting and growing their businesses. There is also a SBA Women’s Business Center in Springfield.

“Delivering the right resources to this rapidly growing segment of our business community is critical to Virginia’s efforts to create jobs and strengthen the economy,” Kathy Dolan, women’s business representative for the SBA’s Richmond District Office., said in a statement. “The opening of these two women’s business centers is the first step in our office’s efforts to launch a major women’s business initiative in Virginia.”

For more information or to access the centers resources,  contact Sarah Williams, program manager, Women’s Biz, Virginia at (804) 780-3024 or Erika Small-Sisco, program manager, Women’s Business Center at ODU Business Gateway, at (757) 683-5517.


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