Hardee has been with Lawson more than half of its 50 years, becoming president and CEO in July 2016. He oversees a 198-employee company with 4,600 apartment units across Virginia, with 1,200 units in development.
Hardee graduated from Virginia Military Institute in 1987. A U.S. Army veteran, he serves on TowneBank’s Portsmouth/Suffolk board and loan committee, Southeast Virginia Community Foundation’s board and Virginia Housing’s Rental Advisory Board. In June, Lawson was named a Top 50 Affordable Housing Developer by Affordable Housing Finance magazine.
PERSON I ADMIRE: My father, Ernie Hardee. He taught me valuable life lessons even when I didn’t ask for them. (I didn’t realize until later in life that I needed the guidance on these unprompted lessons.)
WHAT I’VE LEARNED: I was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive cancer after returning from the first Gulf War. I’ve learned that every day is a blessing. My goal is to have a positive impact on everyone I encounter because God gave me the gift of today.