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Port stats

Port stats

//February 28, 2017//

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Top 10 commodities by value

Exports1 Imports1
1 Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery $4,473.79 Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery $10,047.93
2 Plastics 2,120.35 Electrical machinery 3,279.70
3 Pharmaceutical products 1,591.99 Vehicles, not railway 2,908.27
4 Vehicles, not railway 1,407.92 Furniture and bedding 2,235.29
5 Organic chemicals 1,361.54 Apparel, knitted or crocheted 1,713.12
6 Electrical machinery 1,080.18 Pharmaceutical products 1,599.55
7 Misc. chemical products 1,067.14 Plastics 1,597.26
8 Tobacco 1,050.20 Apparel, not knitted or crocheted 1,261.38
9 Optic photo, etc., medical or surgical instruments 1,042.53 Toys, games, sports equipment 1,180.14
10 Misc. grain, seed, fruit 871.77 Beverages, spirits and vinegar 1,151.10

1 In millions of U.S. dollars for 2015 at the Port of Virginia
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Virginia Maritime Association, Virginia Port Authority

Top 10 commodities by short tons

Exports1 Imports1
1 Mineral fuel, oil, etc. 26,503.41 Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery 1,035.62
2 Wood 2,477.57 Salt, sulfur, earth, stone 713.14
3 Misc. grain, seed,fruit 2,156.35 Furniture and bedding 680.19
4 Woodpulp, etc. 1,696.11 Beverages, spirit and vinegar 545.08
5 Food waste; animal feed 1,541.09 Vehicles, not railway 493.54
6 Cereals 913.41 Plastics 485.79
7 Plastics 650.61 Stone, plaster, cement 419.19
8 Paper and paperboard 590.79 Mineral fuel, oil, etc. 395.20
9 Fertilizers 425.18 Electrical machinery 374.64
10 Iron and steel 395.99 Iron and steel 362.39

1 In thousands of short tons for 2015 at the Port of Virginia. A short ton equals 2,000 pounds.
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Virginia Maritime Association, Virginia Port Authority

Top 10 trading partners by value

Exports1 Imports1
1 China $2,863.84 China $10,841.22
2 Belgium 1,946.62 Germany 4,269.31
3 Germany 1,911.45 India 2,598.61
4 United Kingdom 1,711.14 Italy 2,463.02
5 Brazil 1,643.89 Japan 1,800.65
6 Netherlands 1,463.44 Brazil 1,787.81
7 Saudi Arabia 1,044.51 United Kingdom 1,524.20
8 Japan 1,026.94 Vietnam 1,422.29
9 India 992.41 Indonesia 1,404.91
10 South Korea 718.66 Malaysia 1,328.34

1 In millions of U.S. dollars for 2015 at the Port of Virginia
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau,
Virginia Maritime Association, Virginia Port Authority

Top 10 trading partners by short tons

Exports1 Imports1
1 Brazil 4,772.10 China 2,301.86
2 Netherlands 3,804.23 Germany 761.56
3 United Kingdom 3,410.52 Brazil 723.05
4 Italy 3,400.88 India 658.92
5 China 3,064.80 Italy 563.53
6 Japan 2,036.38 Canada 429.48
7 Turkey 1,924.95 Turkey 411.22
8 Ukraine 1,701.84 Spain 338.82
9 India 1,588.62 France 325.08
10 South Korea 1,362.55 Vietnam 310.89

1 In thousands of short tons for 2015 at the Port of Virginia.
A short ton equals 2,000 pounds.

Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau,
Virginia Maritime Association, Virginia Port Authority

Top 10 U.S. East Coast container ports

Port TEUs1 Market share
1 New York/New Jersey 6,371,720 32%
2 Savannah, Ga. 3,737,403 19
3 Port of Virginia 2,549,270 13
4 Charleston, S.C. 1,973,204 10
5 Port Everglades, Fla. 1,056,524 5
6 Miami 1,007,782 5
7 Jacksonville, Fla. 926,188 5
8 Baltimore 840,314 4
9 Philadelphia 427,630 2
10 Wilmington, N.C. 291,873 2

1  20-foot equivalent unit
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau,
Virginia Maritime Association, Virginia Port Authority,
American Association of Port Authorities

Total cargo by trade lane

Exports1 Imports1
Africa 1,089.68 193.01
Northeast Asia 6,820.16 2,744.88
Southeast Asia 1,993.27 926.89
Caribbean 389.88 66.84
Central America 146.74 117.52
Northern Europe 14,365.34 2,583.54
India and others 1,895.83 759.78
Mediterranean 7,583.14 1,505.09
Middle East 635.35 127.42
North America 819.68 448.78
Oceania 64.49 44.12
South America 5,657.39 1,302.35

1 In thousands of short tons in 2015 for cargo at the Port of Virginia.
Source: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau,
Virginia Maritime Association, Virginia Port Authority


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