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Pinterest engagement grows 50 percent in 2013

Pinterest engagement grows 50 percent in 2013

//December 19, 2013//

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Content-sharing through Facebook still dominates among social media, but Pinterest engagement grew 50 percent in 2013.

AddThis, a McLean-based company that provides tools for websites to promote content sharing, reported that while Facebook accounts for 26 percent of content sharing, it has declined globally by 11 percent from last year.

Twitter’s social sharing, which makes up 13 percent of content sharing, grew 3 percent last year. While Pinterest makes up only 2 percent of content sharing, sharing through this platform grew 50 percent over last year.

Android dominated the market in mobile sharing, according to AddThis. Android devices represented 57 percent of all mobile sharing and content engagement in the world, up 300 percent over the last two years.

AddThis, however, found that iOS devices dominate in the Northeast market. Android does better in the Southeast, Midwest and California.

AddThis reaches more than 1.6 billion unique consumers each month and its tools are used by more than 14 million domains worldwide to promote social sharing, increase engagement and boost traffic.


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