Nuclear Regulatory Commission officials in Atlanta have selected Gwynne Skaggs Ryan to serve as the new resident inspector at Dominion’s North Anna nuclear station.
The station is located near Mineral, about 40 miles northwest of Richmond. Ryan joins Senior Resident Inspector Greg Kolcum, who was assigned to the North Anna site in 2011.
She joined the NRC in 2011 as a reactor inspector in the Nuclear Safety Professional Development Program in the NRC’s Region IV office in Arlington, Texas.
Ryan completed the agency’s Nuclear Safety Professional Development Program and was qualified as a reactor inspector in 2013. She worked as a reactor inspector in the Region IV Division of Reactor Safety where she conducted individual and team engineering inspections at operating nuclear power plants. She also provided resident inspector support to the River Bend plant in Louisiana in 2013 and served as an acting resident inspector at the Palo Verde plant in Arizona earlier this year.
Ryan holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering from New Mexico State University.
At least two NRC resident inspectors are assigned to each operating U.S. commercial nuclear plant. They serve as the agency’s eyes and ears at the facility, conducting inspections, monitoring major work projects and interacting with plant workers and the public. Resident inspectors can serve at one site for up to seven years.
The North Anna resident inspectors can be reached at 540-894-5421.