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Northam launches primary care task force

Physicians report layoffs, financial stress due to pandemic

Northam launches primary care task force

Physicians report layoffs, financial stress due to pandemic

//August 5, 2020//

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As primary care physicians report that the pandemic has caused financial stress and layoffs at their practices, Gov. Ralph Northam announced Wednesday the creation of a primary care task force in partnership with the Virginia Center for Health Innovation (VCHI) and Secretary of Health and Human Resources Daniel Carey.

During the pandemic, 40% of primary care practices have had to lay off or furlough staff and 19% have had to temporarily close their practices, according to survey findings from The Larry A. Green Center. The task force aims to build a stakeholder coalition, define better payment models for primary care, describe necessary infrastructure for primary care, identify markers of high value care and promote telehealth options.

The task force is composed of 30 physicians and leaders from nonprofit organizations, health systems and insurance companies, as well as corporate human resource leaders from across the state, as well as a few out-of-state members. The group will meet biweekly through October and continue monthly meetings through 2021. 

The full task force list includes:

  • Dr. Sandy Chung, co-chair | Fairfax Pediatrics Associates; immediate past president – AAP, Virginia Chapter, Fairfax
  • Jeff Ricketts, co-chair | president, Anthem Virginia, Richmond
  • Jill Age | senior vice president Towne Insurance, a subsidiary of Towne Bank, also past president Virginia Association of Health Underwriters, Tidewater
  • Del. Lashrecse Aird | Democrat, 63rd District, Chesterfield/Petersburg
  • Julie Bilodeau | CEO, CrossOver Healthcare Ministry, Richmond
  • Dr. John Brady | TPMG, Newport News, chair American Board of Family Medicine
  • Michael Bucci | Market President, Aetna, Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Virginia
  • Dr. Daniel Carey | Health and Human Resources Secretary, commonwealth of Virginia, Richmond
  • Michael Cassidy | president and CEO, Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis, Richmond 
  • Colette Chichester | vice president, CareFirst, Washington, D.C., and president, Virginia Association of Health Plans
  • Dr. Siobhan Dunnavant | Senator, Republican, District 12; OBGYN, Henrico
  • Emily Elliott | director, Virginia Department of Human Resource Management, Richmond
  • Wina Giddens | director, benefits and HRIS, Port of Virginia, Tidewater
  • HoChong Gilles | McGuire Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Chesterfield, immediate past-president, Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners
  • Dr. Neeta Goel | medical director, Signature Partners, Fairfax
  • Jill A. Hanken | director of the Center for Healthy Communities and ENROLLVirginia!; Virginia Poverty Law Center, Richmond
  • Bryan Haynes | CEO, Southwest Virginia Community Health System, Saltville
  • Dr. Stuart Henochowicz | Internal Medicine and Allergy Associates; governor-elect ACP, Virginia Chapter, Burke
  • Cornel Hubbard | vice president and general manager, Magellan of Virginia, Richmond
  • Anthony Keck | executive vice president for System Innovation and chief population health officer, Ballad and VCHI chair, Bristol
  • Dr. Jesus Lizarzaburu | legislative chair, Virginia Academy of Family Physicians, Yorktown
  • Dr. Thomas Lundquist | senior vice president and CMO, Optima, Tidewater
  • Ellen Montz | chief deputy and chief health economist, DMAS
  • Dr. Katherine Neuhausen | senior medical director, community and state, UnitedHealthcare, Richmond
  • Nicole Riley | Virginia state director, National Federation of Independent Businesses, Richmond
  • Dr. Christina Stasiuk | Mid-Atlantic Market Medical Executive, Cigna, Philadelphia
  • Meredith Touchstone | Director, benefits, Carmax, Richmond
  • Dr. Cameron Webb | internal medicine, director of health policy and equity, University of Virginia; Democratic Nominee for U.S. Congress 5th District
  • Jeremy Welsh | dean and chair, School of PA Medicine, University of Lynchburg; president Virginia Academy of Physician Assistants
  • Lisa Woods | senior director, strategy and design, U.S. benefits, Walmart, Arkansas


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