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Maritime Guide expands its reach statewide

Maritime Guide expands its reach statewide

//April 18, 2018//

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Welcome to the 2018 Virginia Maritime Guide! Formerly known as the Hampton Roads Maritime & International Trade Guide, this year’s name change recognizes the important role maritime commerce, the logistics industry and international trade play not just in Hampton Roads but across the entire Commonwealth of Virginia. 

In addition to the title change, we’ve significantly increased the distribution of this year’s guide. It now reaches subscribers of Virginia Business magazine across the entire state.  Simply put, the economic benefits of the maritime community go far beyond Hampton Roads, reaching all parts of Virginia, even across our nation.

The content of this year’s guide has expanded to include columns from local experts on cybersecurity, international contracts and ocean shipping.  Other new stories include a look at the commercial cargo coming through the commonwealth’s major airports and a feature on the digital transformation of the shipbuilding industry. We also present the findings of a study by CBRE Consulting documenting Virginia’s opportunities and advantages to grow future maritime-related development.

The successful growth of the Port of Virginia is inextricably tied to the growth of the entire commonwealth.  We invite you to use the 2018 Virginia Maritime Guide to learn more about Virginia’s maritime industries. It is a valuable resource on major companies providing services to the port community.
To compile this guide, we worked closely with the Virginia Maritime Association and the Port of Virginia. We thank them for their assistance.

Cover story: Digging Deeper

Report highlights opportunities, challenges: CBRE looks at how Virginia can grow economic development

Revitalization realized: New warehousing projects reflect Richmond Marine Terminal's growth

Semi-automated cranes: Cargo-handling purchase makes impact for Va. companies

From delivery drones to container ships, why building cybersecurity into the supply chain is imperative: Commentary from Sera-Brynn LLC

Port joins program for import of fresh fruit

2018 Outlook: Fair winds for ocean freight with trouble on the final mile: Commentary from CV International

Preparing for the future of shipbuilding: New initiative aims to cultivate workers' digital skills

A question of risk: FMC investigates the application of detention and demurrage fees

Spoiler alert: choice of law provisions matter: Commentary from Vandeventer Black

Finding new markets: Exporting creates new opporutnities for Virginia businesses

The road ahead: Construction projects aim to provide a smooth ride through the Old Dominion.

Big changes for motor carriers at port terminals

Rail: A key to the port's competitiveness 

Air cargo: A glimpse into the goods moving through Virginia's airports

Maritime law firms

Foreign-trade zones help manufacturers compete

Virginia plays host to international businesses





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