Waynesboro-based Lumos Networks Corp. has begun 100 Gigabits per second (Gbps) wavelength services in its mid-Atlantic territory.
Lumos is provider of fiber-based bandwidth infrastructure and IP services.
The company said the service would allow customers to operate their own networks by constructing backbone infrastructures.
The 100 Gbps wavelength service also provides the transport bandwidth for high-capacity applications such as cloud computing, on-line data storage back up, and collocation service centers, Lumos said.
“This service is poised to handle the ever-growing demand for increased bandwidth of both wholesale and enterprise customers,” Craig Drinkhall, Lumos vice president of product management and engineering, said in a statement. “100Gbps is in early adoption stage and is being used by carriers to support network transport. Similar to 1Gbps wavelength service, Lumos anticipates increased adoption as enterprise demand increases”
Lumos serves Virginia, West Virginia and portions of Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Ohio, and Maryland over a 5,800 route-mile fiber network.