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Longtime president of Arlington Chamber to retire

Longtime president of Arlington Chamber to retire

//January 17, 2014//

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The longtime president of Arlington Chamber of Commerce, Rich Doud, plans to retire in May.

Doud joined the chamber as its top executive in September 1990. During his 23-year tenure, the membership-based, nonprofit organization created the Arlington Business Hall of Fame, started the Community Action Committee to build stronger relationships between businesses and nonprofits, and founded Leadership Arlington, a program aimed at emerging community leaders.

During his time at the chamber, Doud was named Chamber Executive of the Year by the  Virginia Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives; twice received the Outstanding Civilian Service Medal and was given the Legacy Award by Leadership Arlington and the Spirit of Community Award by the Arlington Community Foundation.

He has been a member of the Arlington County Economic Development Commission, the County Manager's Institutional Leaders Roundtable and the Police Chief's Advisory Council.

Tim Hughes, an attorney with Bean, Kinney & Korman PC  and the chamber’s current chair, will head a search committee seeking candidates to replace Doud.


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