Legislature passed trade bill with industry groups’ help
To the Editor,
I am writing to you regarding the opinion piece [on Virginia-Business.com, June 2] authored by Ryan L. Losi, “Virginia doubles down on its commitment to international trade.”
I appreciate the piece raising awareness about the newly created Virginia International Trade Corp. and noting how it will benefit the commonwealth. The article’s concluding paragraph states, “As Virginians, we are fortunate that our governor, Terry McAuliffe, understands the significant impact that international trade has on Virginia’s economy.”
While Governor McAuliffe signed this legislation into law, it was the General Assembly, with strong support from the Virginia Chamber of Commerce, the Virginia Manufacturers Association, and the Virginia Maritime Association that made the establishment of the Virginia International Trade Corp. possible.
As the sponsor of this legislation, I know firsthand that the Virginia International Trade Corp. would not have come to fruition without their efforts. I hope you will acknowledge the efforts of these organizations in any future articles or discussions you have regarding the Virginia International Trade Corp.
Thank you for acknowledging the commonwealth’s efforts to foster economic development through international trade.
Delegate R. Steven Landes, Verona
Editor’s note: Landes, a Republican, represents the 25th District in the Virginia House of Delegates.