Since 2015, Goluboff has served as the first woman dean of the University of Virginia School of Law. A renowned legal historian with degrees from Princeton, Yale and Harvard universities, her scholarship and teaching focuses on American constitutional and civil rights law and their historical development throughout the 20th century.
With a longtime interest in social justice, Goluboff taught sociology at South Africa’s University of Cape Town as a Fulbright Scholar. Her first book, “The Lost Promise of Civil Rights,” won the 2010 Order of the Coif Biennial Book Award and the 2008 James Willard Hurst Prize. Her second, “Vagrant Nation: Police Power, Constitutional Change, and the Making of the 1960s,” received the American Historical Association’s 2017 Littleton-Griswold Prize, the 2017 Lillian Smith Book Award, the 2017 John Phillip Reid Book Award and the 2016 David J. Langum Sr. Prize in American Legal History. Goluboff also is co-editor of “Civil Rights Stories,” which examines the backstories of landmark U.S. Supreme Court civil rights cases.
Before joining the law school in 2002, Goluboff clerked for U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen Breyer.