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June 2017 Out & About

June 2017 Out & About

//May 31, 2017//

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This month's Out & About features photos from the Virginia Maritime Association International Trade Symposium in Norfolk, Virginia’s Fantastic 50 in Chantilly and a Meet the editors luncheon also in Norfolk.

The Virginia Maritime Association held its 97th annual Maritime Banquet Reception and 14th annual International Trade Symposium May 10-12 at the Norfolk Waterside Marriott. The event is one of the largest gatherings in the country for maritime executives. Manuel E. Benitez, the deputy administrator of the Panama Canal, gave the keynote address.

The Virginia Chamber of Commerce unveiled the names of the Fantastic 50, the state’s fastest-growing privately owned small companies, at a banquet in late April.

Virginia Business Editor Robert Powell, Senior Editor Jessica Sabbath and Hampton Roads writer Elizabeth Cooper led a discussion on local issues with two dozen business and community leaders in early May at the Town Point Club in Norfolk.  The discussion was part of a series of events being held in advance of the magazine’s community profiles.


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