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General Dynamics subsidiary lands $201M VA contract

Reston-based information technology unit to provide software development, IT services

General Dynamics subsidiary lands $201M VA contract

Reston-based information technology unit to provide software development, IT services

//July 31, 2020//

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The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) awarded Falls Church-based General Dynamics Information Technology Inc. a potential three-year, $201 million contract to provide software development and information technology services (DevOps) to improve the department applications, according to reports. GDIT is a subsidiary of Fortune 100 aerospace and defense contractor General Dynamics Corp.

GDIT will use DevOps to develop, customize and improve applications using Microsoft Dynamics 365 software. GDIT will also provide services including product and delivery management, software development, systems architecture, user research, information architecture and integration services, as well as perform data analytics to update existing VA applications.

The VA had received five bids for the task order and awarded it through the Transformation Twenty-One Total Technology Next Generation contract. In September 2019, GDIT was among other federal contracting giants (Accenture Federal Services, GovernmentCIO, Deloitte, Leidos and IBM) to be awarded a $900 million contract to provide mail management services through the VA Veterans Intake, Conversion and Communication Services IDIQ.

For the past 25 years, GDIT has provided support to the federal government’s priority telecommunications services program to ensure that hundreds of thousands of registered users, including the White House, are able to communicate when communications systems are congested with traffic or are damaged. In December 2019, General Dynamics won the largest Navy contract ever awarded, a $22.2 billion multiyear order for nine (or potentially 10) nuclear-powered, fast-attack submarines capable of launching Tomahawk missiles.


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