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Finalists named for three community college presidencies

Kira Jenkins //April 15, 2013//

Finalists named for three community college presidencies

Kira Jenkins //April 15, 2013//

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The State Board for Community Colleges has named finalists for president at the three community colleges.

The candidates will attend interviews at Dabney S. Lancaster Community College in Clifton Forge; Danville Community Collegein Danville; and John Tyler Community Collegein Chester and Midlothian.
VCCS Chancellor Glenn DuBois hopes to make the appointments in May.

Finalists for the presidency at Dabney S. Lancaster are:

• John J. Rainone, dean of institutional advancement at York County Community College, in Wells, Maine.
• Mark A. Smith, vice president for educational services and chief academic officer at Temple College in Temple, Texas.
• Charles D. Terrell, president of Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College in Moorefield, W.Va.

Finalists for Danville Community College are:

• Bruce R. Scism, vice president of academic affairs at Volunteer State Community College in Gallatin, Tenn.
• Mark Smith
• William Stoy, special assistant to the president at Middle Georgia State College in Macon, Ga.
• Richard Penny, vice chancellor for advancement and external relations at the University of Washington-Bothell.

Finalists for John Tyler Community College are:

• Edward Raspiller,  president of the Brazos County Campuses at Blinn College in Bryan, Texas.
• William Stoy
• Cheryl Thompson-Stacy, president at Lord Fairfax Community College in Middletown and Warrenton.


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