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Feedback & Followups – October 2013

Feedback & Followups – October 2013

//September 27, 2013//

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Study looks at premiums for Virginia health exchange

Washington, D.C.-based Avalere Health LLC in September released a study examining the premiums offered by 12 state health-care exchanges including Virginia (“Opening bell for health exchange,” September 2013 issue).

The health exchange plans are broken down by coverage: bronze plans cover 60 percent of medical costs, while silver plans cover 70 percent; gold, 80 percent; and platinum, 90 percent.

In Virginia, Avalere determined that the average silver-plan premiums are $234 a month for a 21-year-old, $299 for a 40-year-old and $634 for a 60-year-old.

Looking at all plans, Avalere said the average cost for a 40-year-old Virginia resident who does not smoke is $254 under bronze plans, $299 under silver, $353 under gold and $484 under gold.

Avalere estimates that 80 percent of exchange enrollees will be eligible for premium subsidies.

Lunar explorer launched from Wallops Island spaceport

A NASA spacecraft headed for the Moon was launched in early September from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport at Wallops Island on Virginia’s Eastern Shore.

Dulles-based Orbital Sciences Corp. built the five-stage Minotaur V rocket that propelled the spacecraft, called LADEE (Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer).

LADEE will orbit the Moon to collect information about the lunar atmosphere, conditions near the surface and environmental influences on lunar dust.

Virginia Business looked at plans for the state spaceport in its September 2012 issue (“Ready for launch”).

Regent president resigns

Carlos Campo, president of Regent University in Virginia, resigned abruptly in early September, less than a month into the new school year.  He joined the university as chief academic officer in 2008 and became president in summer 2010.

Campo said the decision was “not the result of any moral or fiscal issue on my part or the university.” Virginia Business interviewed Campo in its October 2012 issue (“Rethinking Regent”).


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