Aptara focuses on digital learning from kindergarten through “infinity,” Kakar says, “because learning never ends.”
That digital environment includes content creation, publishing services and working with several Fortune 500 companies to improve worker trainings. Formerly known as TechBooks, Aptara was founded in Falls Church in 1988. Kakar joined Aptara in 1993 as its vice president for content technology. He became chief technology officer and executive vice president for digital in 2009, positions he held until taking over as president in 2015.
Kakar has a bachelor’s degree in computer science and a master’s degree in operations research from Delhi University in his native India.
Aptara employs more than 6,000 people across the globe, with about 10 to 15 in Virginia and another 100 to 150 in the United States. It has been consistently named a top 20 Content Development Company by Training Industry magazine and in 2022 was also named to its maiden list of Top 20 learning services companies.