To the Editor,
Publisher Bernie Niemeier is correct when he lists many of the assets that make Virginia a great place to do business (“Why Virginia?” August issue). However, he omits a key Virginia asset, and perhaps the most obvious one to those who look outside their doors: the environment.
Blessed with diverse natural resources ranging from the Blue Ridge Mountains to the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia’s natural landscape supports the largest industry in the state by far: agriculture. According to the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, agriculture accounts for a $52 billion economic impact annually, in addition to supporting 311,000 jobs.
In a related vein, tourism was expected to generate $23 billion in domestic visitor spending and support 222,600 jobs in 2015, according to the Virginia Tourism Corp. While high-tech, energy and other industries grab headlines, Virginians must always remember the importance of our state’s environment to its well-being, economic and otherwise.
David C. Perry
Executive director
Blue Ridge Land Conservancy
The August issue of Virginia Business incorrectly reported that Wolseley plc, the parent company of Ferguson Enterprises, is traded on the New York Stock Exchange. It is traded on the London Stock Exchange.
In the July issue, a list of Virginia Values Veterans (V3)-certified companies included the former name of one company. The Fairfax-based company is now Salient CRGT.