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Dominion joins initiative to create electric vehicle charging network

Newly announced Electric Highway Coalition aims to expand travel options for electric vehicle drivers

Dominion joins initiative to create electric vehicle charging network

Newly announced Electric Highway Coalition aims to expand travel options for electric vehicle drivers

//March 2, 2021//

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Dominion Energy Inc. and five other major utilities announced a plan Tuesday to create a network of charging stations for electric vehicles across major highway systems stretching from Washington, D.C., to Chicago to West Texas and the Florida Heartland.

The newly announced Electric Highway Coalition — made up of American Electric Power, Dominion, Duke Energy Corp., Entergy Corp., Southern Co. and the Tennessee Valley Authority — aims to create a semi-national network of direct-current fast charging stations for electric vehicles that would allow drivers the ability to travel without interruption.

The member utilities are seeking charging station locations along major highway routes with easy highway access and amenities for travelers. Charging stations will be capable of getting drivers back on the road in approximately 20 to 30 minutes.

“Dominion Energy is committed to equitable and reliable charging access so our customers may experience the benefits of electric transportation, including reduced carbon emissions,” said Dominion President and CEO Robert M. Blue in a statement. “We’re excited to collaborate with our utility partners on this important initiative to connect customers to charging resources and encourage electric vehicle travel.”

The announcement marks the public debut of the coalition. Reached by email, Dominion spokesman Rayhan Daudani said that Dominion’s total investment in the initiative has yet to be determined.

“All companies are in the process of determining sites,” he said. “The partner utilities have started discussions to collaborate on site location needs, with each utility further refining items such as site partners, site design, equipment selection, deployment schedule and other details. We plan to begin deployment this year.”

Dominion is a Fortune 500 utility with more than 7 million customers in 16 states.

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