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Corporate tax

Corporate tax

//October 30, 2013//

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Jorge A. Dabul
McPhillips, Roberts & Deans PLC, Norfolk

Title: Partner
Birthplace: Cuba (Guantanamo)
Education: Old Dominion University, bachelor’s degree in business administration (concentration in accounting); University of Virginia, master’s degree in accounting (concentration in taxation)
Spouse: Lori
Children: Jessica, Rachel
Hobbies: Fishing, golf
Favorite vacation spot: Longboat Key, Fla.
Fan of: College sports
Recently read book: “An American Son” by Marco Rubio
First accounting job: Price Waterhouse
Career mentors: “First and foremost, my father. Then Joseph G. Robbins.”

What should be done to simplify U.S. corporate income taxes?
“Simplifying the U.S. corporate tax system requires comprehensive reform, not patchwork legislation. Congress should eliminate the double tax on corporate income and repeal the alternative minimum tax. Congress should adopt a broader tax base that includes lower rates and eliminates tax preferences granted to special interest groups. Congress should adopt tax policies that foster economic growth, investment and employment. Tax simplification will not only reduce administrative costs of compliance — it will also enhance voluntary compliance.”

Corporate tax list of Super CPAs


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