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Construction Law

Construction Law

//November 30, 2015//

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George Keith Martin

McGuireWoods LLP

Title: Managing partner, Richmond office
Other legal specialties: Public-private partnerships, commercial real estate, real estate finance and municipal law
Birthplace: Fort Lee
Education: University of Virginia, bachelor’s degree; Howard University School of Law, law degree
Spouse:  Anita L. Martin
Children:  Mallory L. Martin, Kelly A. Martin, Hayley D. Martin
Hobbies or pastimes: Gardening, golf and reading
First job as a lawyer: Litigation associate, Hirschler, Fleischer, Weinberg, Cox & Allen
Fan of: University of Virginia sports, New York Yankees and Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson
Favorite vacation spot: Cape May, N.J.
Recently read book: “Son of Virginia” by L. Douglas Wilder and “Get Your Hopes Up” by Joyce Meyer
Career mentors: Ruby G. Martin, William G. Broaddus, John W. Bates and Everette G. Allen

Do you expect an increase in interest rates to affect construction activity in Virginia?  In the short term, higher interest rates may impact construction activity.  However, in the long term, I do not think that higher interest rates will adversely affect construction activity in Virginia.  An increase in interest rates should indicate confidence that the economy is positioned to continue growing.  Many feel that higher interest rates are needed and that it would send an appropriate message that the Fed has confidence in prospective economic growth.

You are a former rector of the University of Virginia Board of Visitors. Is it difficult to balance the time demands of a position like that with a legal practice?  Balancing the demands of a legal practice with any significant position such as rector can be challenging.  However, I had the benefit of outstanding support from the corporate secretary to the Board of Visitors, my incredible assistant at McGuireWoods, and wonderful and supportive partners, associates and staff at McGuireWoods.  Community service is one of our core values at McGuireWoods, and I enjoyed the full support of my chairman, Richard Cullen, and others in leadership.


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