Kira Jenkins //December 16, 2014//
The Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU on Tuesday announced a gift of $28 million from Children’s Hospital Foundation that will be used to build a children’s cardiac surgery program.
VCU officials said the program would create specialized heart services for children that have not been available in the region before now.
The gift was described as the largest dedicated to children’s health in VCU’s history, and is the second largest publicly announced gift ever to VCU’s MCV Campus.
VCU Medical Center announced it would supplement the $28 million gift with $14 million to provide the technology and equipment needed to run a full cardiac thoracic surgery program.
In announcing the gift, the school noted that Dr. Thomas Yeh was hired in October as director of the newly named Children’s Hospital Foundation Heart Center, and chief of pediatric cardiothoracic surgery at the hospital.
Yeh trained at VCU Medical Center for his general surgery and cardiothoracic surgery residencies, and also obtained his doctorate in physiology at the university.