Proposed dog-training rules could hinder Va. hunters
Under the light of a brilliant early-morning moon, dozens of hunting hounds howled impatiently from the beds of pickup trucks parked along a stretch of a rural northeastern North Carolina road. It wouldn't be long before they were dashing through the woods in pursuit of deer, coyotes or foxes - participating in a field trial, a test that prepares dogs for real hunting situations.
Gov. McDonnell’s ties to company draw scrutiny
Gov. Robert McDonnell and his wife, Maureen, had about 200 guests to Virginia's historic Executive Mansion for their daughter Cailin's 2011 wedding in Richmond. The menu included fresh poached jumbo shrimp, bruschetta topped with Virginia tomatoes and stuffed free-range chicken breast.
Judge says Virginia marriage law unfair to Sikhs
FAIRFAX A Fairfax County judge has ruled in favor of four Sikh men who challenged a Virginia law that required them to pay $500 to perform marriage ceremonies. The law exempts ordained ministers from various faiths from posting a $500 bond to perform weddings. The Sikh men said the law discriminates against them because their faith has no ordained ministers.
Road bill raises tax for casual car sales
RICHMOND People who make purchases from automobile dealers aren't the only car buyers who stand to pay higher transaction taxes under Virginia's road funding bill.
McAuliffe qualifies for June Dem primary ballot
RICHMOND Democrat Terry McAuliffe has tendered qualifying petitions bearing 35,746 signatures to the State Board of Elections, giving him an uncontested slot on the June Democratic gubernatorial primary ballot.
Cuccinelli slightly leads McAuliffe in new poll
RICHMOND Ken Cuccinelli is narrowly ahead of Terry McAuliffe, 40 percent to 38 percent, in the Virginia governor's race for the first time since Quinnipiac University began polling voter attitudes on the contest last November, a year before the election.
Poll: Cuccinelli narrowly leads McAuliffe in gov. race
RICHMOND Ken Cuccinelli is narrowly ahead of Terry McAuliffe, 40 percent to 38 percent, in the Virginia governor’s race for the first time since Quinnipiac University began polling voter attitudes on the contest last November.
Groups ask McDonnell to issue felon-voting order
RICHMOND Advocates seeking automatic restoration of voting rights for felons are asking Gov. Bob McDonnell for help after legislation he supported to create that pathway failed this year.
McDonnell proposes amendments to Assembly bills
RICHMOND With a stroke of his pen, Gov. Bob McDonnell has opted to make hybrid car owners pay $64 in new annual fees, require photo identification at the polls, and prohibit abortion coverage under insurance offered through health benefits exchanges.
Abortion coverage restrictions among McDonnell’s amendments
RICHMOND With a stroke of his pen, Gov. Bob McDonnell has opted to make hybrid car owners pay $64 in new annual fees, require photo identification at the polls, and restrict abortion coverage under insurance offered through a health benefit exchange.
McDonnell amendments drop hybrid car fee to $64
RICHMOND With a stroke of his pen, Gov. Bob McDonnell has opted to make hybrid car owners pay $64 in new annual fees, require photo identification at the polls, and restrict abortion coverage under insurance offered through health benefits exchanges.
Gov. McDonnell signs voter photo ID bill into law
RICHMOND Virginia is on its way to becoming a photo identification voting state. Gov. Bob McDonnell moved the Old Dominion in that direction this week by signing into law legislation requiring voters to show photo ID at the polls beginning next July.