The tax man cometh: Are you ready for FATCA?
The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) may not be on the radar of many individuals and businesses in Virginia, but the new regulations will have significant tax and reporting implications.
When good estate planning goes bad
Estate planning is done with the best of intentions. When the documents are all signed, a business owner should be left feeling that not only will his or her wishes for the future of the business be followed, but there will be a legacy for all of those who were near and dear to his or her heart.
The national health-care solution that works
By every measure, the United States Public Health Service is a successful health-care model for treating the poor and uninsured.
Strategic business tax planning in the 4th quarter
The problem with tax planning is that it is always a multiyear process. This means that one must have a crystal ball to predict next year’s financial results.
Double your savings …in more ways than one
Most tax deductions require you to give up control. But with a 401(k) you retain control of your money.
Executive and senior management pay: Shareholder value is not enough
A burgeoning movement is afoot, suggesting that executives should focus on more than shareholder value.