Milennials make up a majority of the workforce, and that’s not a bad thing
As many of us have heard over and over again, in just a few years millennials will move into a position of dominance, making up more than half of the workforce. It will be crucial for business executives to successfully manage and mentor this increasingly important generation.
No reservations for cyber hackers in the hospitality industry
Enticed by the industry’s high customer volume and access to personal data, cyber thieves are attacking attacking hotels, restaurants and hospitality entities
Is business expansion always the best way to grow value?
Overall, yes. If your goal is to increase the value of your business, then you need tactics for growing your company.
Lessons learned from successful women leaders
Studies have shown that organizations with diverse leaders and a high representation of women board members outperform those companies with none.
Recent Lowe’s lawsuit is a reminder to notify your insurer
Every insurance policy requires the policyholder to notify the insurance company of a claim or lawsuit.
Thirty years ago
Flipping through the pages of Virginia Business’ first issue, published 30 years ago in March 1986, it is interesting to see how times have changed as well as some things that remain the same.
Former governor emphasizes the importance of context and preparation
Much of Baliles' tenure as governor, from 1986 to 1990, was spent preparing Virginia to become competitive in an increasingly international marketplace. That objective drove not only his trade missions but also his initiatives in transportation and education.
Preparing for a data breach: The construction industry is no exception
Those in the industry need to remember, the issue is a privacy breach, not just a cyber breach.
New year, but back to basics? Marketing strategy in 2016
Every year around this time, it seems like we see a multitude of articles that marketing and branching challenges in today’s world