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Our View

Bernie Niemeier. Photo by Caroline Martin
Sep 28, 2020

Privacy matters

That unintended consequences come with innovation should be no surprise. Today, technology and social media are global cultural obsessions with a tremendous impact on business. Not that long ago, who would have thought a wallet-sized object like a smart phone would replace nearly every piece of office equipment — telephones, t[...]

Sep 28, 2020

Big accomplishments

The motto of Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc. (HII) is “Hard Stuff, Done Right.” That easily fits the work of HII, parent company of Newport News Shipbuilding, Virginia’s largest industrial employer. Its projects — including the construction of U.S. Navy submarines and aircraft carriers — are huge, require complex engineering and are vital to our national […]

Aug 29, 2020

Antitrust matters

On a bright spring day in May 2009, I was on the campus of Hampden-Sydney College near Farmville for my son’s graduation — obviously a proud moment for any parent. U.S. Sen. Mark Warner delivered the commencement’s keynote address. During his first term as senator and one of the first times I had heard the […]

Bernie Niemeier. Photo by Caroline Martin.
Jul 29, 2020

What’s normal?

When things get back to normal. How many times have you heard that? How many times have you said that? What’s normal? Sometimes there’s a qualifier, like what’s the “new” normal? Who knows? If you think you do, wait and see. It’s not just the normalcy that is intoned by such nostalgic statements, it’s the […[...]

Virginia Business Publisher Bernie Niemeier. Photo by Caroline Martin
Jun 19, 2020

OurView: It’s time to speak up

Whenever there is injustice, business pays the price. Can you say his name? George Floyd. The Confederate generals have taken multiple beatings in Virginia and elsewhere. Is it time for their statues to be gone? The business community needs to say “yes,” if for no other reason than because it’s good business. Virginia Busi[...]

Apr 30, 2020

A shining light

Welcome to the 2020 Virginia Maritime Guide! This annual publication is distributed to business readers statewide. It highlights the important contributions made by the maritime, distribution center and logistics industries to the economy of Virginia. It also serves as a valuable resource, including information on the companies [...]

Apr 30, 2020

Setting the rules of the game

In mid-March, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, and two weeks later, on April 3, the Steven Mnuchin-led U.S. Department of Treasury finalized its plan to provide emergency loans to small businesses. This extraordinary action signaled a dramatic break from contemporary politics. The pr[...]

Nike’s 1999 “Jogger” ad by director Spike Jonze
Mar 29, 2020

COVID-19: Y2K or Walking Dead?

A hungover partier wakes up amid the flotsam of the previous night’s New Year’s Eve bash, dons his Nikes and heads into the streets for a jog. It’s Saturday morning, Jan. 1, 2000. He’s in the zone, totally oblivious to the chaos erupting around him, ranging from armed troops marching the streets to cash-spitting ATMs [&h[...]

Bernie Niemeier, Virginia Business publisher
Mar 24, 2020

A message to our readers

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Virginia Business continues to gather the most timely and informative news each day, disseminating it through our daily e-newsletter, as well as breaking news alerts. Our upcoming April issue, which will be available both in print and online, will include a cover story special report on the coronavi[...]

Bernie Niemeier, Virginia Business publisher
Mar 1, 2020

Rethinking big

Once upon a time, I worked for a big company. Not for a short time, but a decades-long time. Somewhat unfortunately, I remember those years perhaps too well. Thousands of employees, rules, policies, a big human resources department, politics and power were all concentrated inside the headquarters building. And the customers were[...]

Dec 2, 2019

People to meet

Years ago, a newspaper publisher friend of mine shared a pretty simple strategy: “We try to put 1,000 names of local people and companies in the paper every week.” This is a seemingly simple, but profoundly effective idea that intentionally engages readers with content about their friends, neighbors and co-workers. It is a l[...]

May 31, 2019

A new editor

Our View


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