General Dynamics wins $100M DIA task order
The Defense Intelligence Agency has awarded Falls Church-based General Dynamics Information Technology Inc. (GDIT) a potential $100 million task order to provide engineering services in support of the agency’s information technology modernization efforts, the company announced Tuesday. Under the task order, GDIT will provide engineering support to the DIA’s IT infrastructure, including system design, architecture, […][...]
Perspecta Labs lands $24.65M Navy contract
The U.S. Navy awarded the research arm of Chantilly-based federal contractor Perspecta Inc. a potential seven-year, $24.65 million contract to provide telecommunications and engineering standards support to help the branch in its emergency preparedness and national security initiatives, the Department of Defense announced Tuesday. Under the contract, Perspecta Labs will help the Navy deploy Next […][...]
Plasser American Corp. announces $52.6M Chesapeake expansion
Railway equipment manufacturer Plasser American Corp. will invest $52.6 million to expand its operations in the city of Chesapeake, creating 98 jobs, Gov. Ralph Northam announced Wednesday. Plasser American Corp., which manufactures railway construction and maintenance equipment, will add a 45,000-square-foot, three-story office building and an 82,000-square-foot manufacturing facility. The company will also renovate its […][...]
Danish company to establish $1.35M manufacturing facility in Henrico
Gov. Ralph Northam announced Wednesday that Danish manufacturer Rose Holm will invest $1.35 million to establish its first U.S. facility in Henrico County, creating 10 jobs. Rose Holm produces threaded bolts for the food and beverage, wind power and heat exchange industries in Northern Europe. The new operation will allow the company to further its […]
Va. to expand networking program to new regions
During the next two years Virginia will invest $1.7 million to expand the Network2Work workforce development initiative, Gov. Ralph Northam announced Tuesday. The commonwealth will partner with the Virginia Community College System to pilot the Network2Work model in the Shenandoah Valley, Hampton Roads and greater Richmond regions. Network2Work was established by Piedmont Virginia Community College […][...]
Reston cyber intelligence business acquired by Baltimore cybersecurity firm
Cyber intelligence company Cyveillance, a Reston-based business unit of LookingGlass Cyber Solutions Inc., has been acquired by Baltimore-based cybersecurity firm ZeroFOX, the companies announced Tuesday. Terms of the acquisition were not released. Under the acquisition, ZeroFOX will absorb Cyveillance’s more than 130 employees and more than 100 customers. “Our merger with the Cyveillance team fulfills […][...]
Richmond extends deadline for small business, nonprofit relief program
The city of Richmond has extended the deadline for its Richmond Recovers Grant Program, giving small businesses and nonprofits until Oct. 19 to apply for grants ranging from $10,000 to $15,000, Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney’s office announced Tuesday. The city allocated $3 million of its federal CARES Act funding to the program, which has $1.68 […]
Reston-based defense contractors win spots on $800M Army contract
Three Reston-based companies won spots on a potential three-year, $800 million U.S. Army contract to support the branch’s Information Systems Engineering Command (USAISEC), the Department of Defense announced Monday. Fortune 100 defense contractor General Dynamics Corp., NCI Information Systems Inc. and Fortune 500 defense contractor Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC) will compete for orders under […][...]
McLean defense contractor wins $71M Air Force space task order
The U.S. Air Force awarded McLean-based defense contractor Alion Science and Technology Corp. a $71 million task order to help the branch’s research laboratory (AFRL) develop space, electromagnetic and information technologies for potential national security use, the company announced Monday. Under the task order, Alion will provide research, development, test and evaluation services to the […][...]
SAIC wins $878M GSA task order
The U.S. General Services Administration awarded Reston-based Fortune 500 defense contractor Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC) an $878 million task order to provide cybersecurity, engineering, tech and research and development services. Under the task order, SAIC will develop and deploy capabilities to help warfighters access critical information and data at speeds and scales necessary for […][...]
Hampton Roads State of the Region report offers sobering look at COVID-19 impacts
Old Dominion University’s Dragas Center for Economic Analysis & Policy’s 2020 State of the Region report for Hampton Roads offers a sobering look at how the pandemic has harmed the regional economy and left tens of thousands of Hampton Roads residents jobless. Employment in Hampton Roads fell dramatically, hotel occupancy continues to be outpaced by […]
A large data center could have $50M annual impact on SWVA, study finds
Southwest Virginia is well-positioned for data centers and a large data center could result in more than 2,000 jobs and $50 million in annual economic activity, according to the Project Oasis study conducted by OnPoint Development Strategies and released Monday by InvestSWVA. Due to its land availability, geothermal cooling opportunities and workforce readiness and development, […]