Mechanicsville medical building sells for $2.1M
The Virginia Cancer Institute building in Hanover County’s Mechanicsville area has sold for $2.1 million, Glen Allen-based commercial real estate company Commonwealth Commercial Partners LLC announced Thursday. Located at 7501 Right Fork Road, the 8,100-square-foot building is 100% occupied by the Virginia Cancer Institute[...]
Graham Holdings Co. acquires custom framing company
Arlington-based media and education conglomerate Graham Holdings Co. announced Friday it has acquired Washington, D.C.-based custom framing company Framebridge Inc. Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed. Graham Holdings Co. is the family company of the late Katharine Graham, who was the publisher and owner of The Washington Post. Its current holdings include online […]
CDC reopening guidance for your business
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Thursday evening released six flow charts intended to help businesses, schools, restaurants and transit systems decide whether it is safe to reopen — and when. As parts of the state begin to reopen Friday under Gov. Ralph Northam’s Phase One plan, leaders can use these guidelines […]
Va. COVID-19 cases reach 28,672
The state now has 28,672 confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases, an increase of 859 since Thursday, the Virginia Department of Health reported Friday. There are also 977 confirmed and probable deaths related to the coronavirus, and 3,657 people hospitalized throughout the state. New today on the VDH dashboard is a breakdown of how many molecular […]
Reopening will be delayed in Richmond, Accomack County
The city of Richmond and Accomack County, the Eastern Shore locality that has seen COVID-19 outbreaks in its poultry plants, will not enter Phase One of Gov. Ralph Northam’s “Forward Virginia” reopening plan Friday. Like Northern Virginia, the localities will wait two weeks until May 29. The governor’s announcement comes after Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney […]
Health accelerator program coming to Richmond
Richmond-based seed-stage accelerator Lighthouse Labs is partnering with the Health Innovation Consortium (HIC) to start a health-focused startup accelerator program in Virginia, the groups announced Thursday. Virginia Commonwealth University, VCU Health and Richmond-based nonprofit Activation Capital created HIC, which launched in January 2019 to bring health care ideas to the market. “Health systems, particularly academic [&hellip[...]
State tax collection revenue fell 26.2% in April
State revenue from tax collections fell 26.2% in April, Gov. Ralph Northam announced Thursday. This is primarily due to tax deadline extensions for individual and corporate income taxes, which were extended until June 1 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “April tax receipts are consistent with our estimate of a $1 billion reduction in the fourth […]
Center for Innovative Technology campus sells for $47.35M
The Center for Innovative Technology (CIT) office building complex in Herndon has sold for $47.35 million, Gov. Ralph Northam announced Thursday. The Virginia Department of General Services (DGS) sold the property Thursday to affiliates of Chicago-based Origami Capital Partners LLC and Timberline Real Estate Partners in a tran[...]
Mayor: Richmond may not join Phase One reopening unless state provides more support
Update, May 14 at 6:15 p.m.: Gov. Ralph Northam announced that the city of Richmond and Accomack County will delay Phase One of the reopening plan by two weeks, joining localities in Northern Virginia. Earlier: Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney has said that the city may not join Gov. Ralph Northam’s Phase One reopening plan on[...]
52K Virginians filed jobless claims last week
More than 52,000 Virginians filed initial claims for unemployment last week, according to the Virginia Employment Commission, a decrease of approximately 7,000 jobless claims from the week prior. “Though the 12.6% weekly decline indicates that the volume of initial claims has retreated from its recent peak, it may not return t[...]
Greater Washington Partnership names CEO
The Greater Washington Partnership (GWP) announced Wednesday that JB Holston will become the organization’s CEO in September. Founded in 2017, GWP is an alliance of 27 CEOs and business leaders in the region that focuses on economic development for the greater Washington region, including parts of Northern Virginia, Richmond a[...]
What does ‘reopening’ actually mean?
Updated May 14, 6:15 p.m. With most of Virginia preparing to enter the first phase of Gov. Ralph Northam’s “Forward Virginia” plan on Friday, there’s still a fair number of questions about what exactly Phase One of “reopening the state” means for business owners, employees and consumers. Here’s what you should know: Reopening in Phase […]