Dyncorp International leases space at Scotts Run Station
Company signs lease for 79,035 square feet at Tysons Corner development.
SAIC scheduled to separate into two companies
Leidos and Science Applications shares to begin trading Monday on the NYSE.
Logistics collaborative begins its first research project
Commonwealth Center for Advanced Logistics Systems will examine cyber threats to renewable energy storage devices.
SVHEC receives manufacturing grants
Money will fund welding program and Advanced Manufacturing Bootcamp.
Dirty politics
In a normal year, the race for governor between Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican Ken Cuccinelli would be the top political story in the state. But this is not a normal year. Most people are blaming it on bad politics.
McAuliffe’s positions on business issues
McAuliffe wants to fully support the community college system as the centerpiece for Virginia’s workforce development.
Cuccinelli’s positions on business issues
Cuccinelli wants to lower Virginia’s income and corporate tax rates.
McDonnell’s final year in office marred by gifts scandal
McDonnell’s final year in office marred by gifts scandal.
Revitalization of Newport News neighborhood shows city’s agenda
Spiraling crime, poverty, dilapidated buildings, decrepit thoroughfares and an overall sense of despair have long defined Newport News’ East End.
CEO performance pay gets sharper focus
CEO salaries went up and bonuses fell in 2012, while equity incentives pushed total compensation up 4 percent.
Companies get little guidance on taxes, benefits after gay-marriage decision
Companies get little guidance on taxes, benefits after gay-marriage decision
U.Va. follows growing national trend in eliminating coverage for working spouses
U.Va. announced it will no longer provide health benefits to working spouses.