2013 Legal Elite profile: Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property profile of Marshall M. Curtis
2013 Legal Elite profile: Labor/Employment Law
Labor/Employment Law profile of Lisa A. Bertini
2013 Legal Elite profile: Legal Services/Pro Bono
Legal Services/Pro Bono profile of Phyllis C. Katz
2013 Legal Elite profile: Legislative/Regulatory/Administrative
Legislative/Regulatory/Administrative profile of Dale G. Mullen
2013 Legal Elite profile: Real Estate/Land Use
Real Estate/Land Use profile of Thomas J. Colucci
2013 Legal Elite profile: Taxes/Estates/Trusts/Elder Law
Taxes/Estates/Trusts/Elder Law profile of Neil L. Rose
2013 Legal Elite profile: Young Lawyers (under 40)
Young Lawyers (under 40) profile of Gretchen M. Ostroff
High Liner Foods expands in Newport News and abroad
High Liner Foods expands in Newport News and abroad after acquiring Icelandic Seafood
Free gigabit Wi-Fi comes to downtown Blacksburg
TechPad, which provides office space for companies in downtown Blacksburg, spearheaded the effort to bring free, public Wi-Fi to the area.
SRI Shenandoah Valley plans third spinoff
SRI Shenandoah Valley has launched two spinoffs in 2013, and a third company, focused on cancer diagnostics, is in the works.