VITA IT contract with SAIC to create 40 new jobs in Dickenson
The Virginia Coalfield Economic Development Authority providing a loan to renovate space for employees.
Universal broadband plan is presented
Roadmap charted to improve service in rural areas.
JCR acquires Krispy Korner Shopping Center for $6.7 million
The acquisition is the company’s second this year.
Batten donates $10 million to U.Va. public policy and leadership school
Gift follows a $1 million endowment established earlier this year.
William & Mary receives NSF grant to recruit STEM teachers
The NSF funding will prepare and place teachers in Newport News, Hampton, Gloucester, New Kent, York and Williamsburg-James City school districts.
Bestselling author Tom Wolfe dies in New York
Richmond native was one of the principal practitioners of New Journalism.
Williamsburg medical office condominium sells for $1.2 million
The 5,888-square-foot property is in the Busch Corporate Center.
Hampton land sold for multifamily development
Whitmore Co. purchased the 4.9-acre plot for $1 million
Lingerfelt CommonWealth to buy Virginia Beach hotel for $19 million
Property will undergo $25 million renovation and rebranding.
Southwest Virginia legislator targets opioid crisis
As a health care professional, state Del. Todd Pillion of Abingdon has a special perspective on the opioid epidemic that has ravaged the localities he represents in Virginia’s General Assembly.
Rural county accuses drug makers of fueling opioid epidemic
Tucked between news of budget meetings and beauty pageant winners published in The Dickenson Star’s 2017 “Year in Review” is a grim statistic: Dickenson County was first in the state and sixth in the nation in opioid overdose deaths per capita.
Booz Allen Hamilton names director of investor relations
Nicholas Veasey’s appointment is effective June 30.