Hampton Roads launches maritime workforce, economic initiatives
The Hampton Roads Maritime Collaborative for Growth and Innovation (HRMC) and Old Dominion University announced two maritime initiatives Thursday with the goal of strengthening economic development in the region. ODU President Brian Hemphill announced the establishment of the ODU Maritime Consortium, which will grow the universi[...]
Shaun McConnon donates $15M to Roanoke College
Roanoke College has received a $15 million donation, the single largest cash gift in the school’s 179-year history, college president Michael Maxey announced Thursday to the board of trustees. College alumnus Shaun McConnon, former CEO of Massachusetts-based cybersecurity company BitSight Technologies, donated the money for th[...]
Hampden-Sydney College receives three donations totaling $12.25M
Hampden-Sydney College has received donations of $11 million, $1 million and $250,000 in support of its science programs and science center under construction, the college announced Thursday. “While the college has emphasized the sciences since its founding, the need for a state-of-the-art science facility and for all Hampden-Sydney students to graduate with a high degree […]
George Mason University launches Race, Politics, and Policy Center
George Mason University’s Race, Politics, and Policy Center launched Monday. American philosopher, author and political activist Cornel West will be its inaugural spring lecturer on April 14. GMU’s Schar School of Policy and Government professor Michael Fauntroy founded the center after returning to GMU from Howard Unive[...]
Va. Tech complex to house biz programs
Fall visitors to Virginia Tech are likely to spot laborers hard at work on the university’s Data and Decision Sciences building, the first of four buildings that will make up the university’s Global Business and Analytics Complex (GBAC) — classroom and living spaces centered around using data to address problems facing bus[...]
Fluctuating fortunes
The Steward School campus in Henrico County looks a bit different this year. With five mobile classrooms, a tent on the patio and masked faces, the school has noticeably adapted to the demands of teaching students amid a pandemic. “In a lot of ways, we’ve gotten somewhat back to normal,” Head of School Dan Frank […]
Mary Baldwin alum makes $12.5M gift
A 1965 alumna of Mary Baldwin University has given her alma mater $12.5 million, which will mainly go toward unrestricted support of the private university in Staunton, MBU announced Wednesday. Paula Stephens Lambert, a Dallas resident who founded Mozzarella Co. in 1982 and introduced many European handmade cheeses to the United[...]
Paul D. Camp Community College names new president
Paul D. Camp Community College’s new president will be Corey L. McCray, who will start his position on Oct. 25. McCray was selected among 52 applicants, according to Glenn DuBois, the chancellor of Virginia’s Community Colleges, who announced McCray’s selection Thursday. “I’m confident that Corey has the sk[...]
Virginia wins $5M DOD grant to train shipbuilding workers
Virginia won a $5 million U.S. Department of Defense grant to train workers in defense manufacturing industries, particularly shipbuilding, in Danville and Hampton Roads, Gov. Ralph Northam announced Friday. The grant will go to the Virginia Defense Manufacturing Community, which brings together the Institute for Advanced Learning and Research in Southern Virginia and Old Dominion […]
U.Va. nursing school dean elected International Council of Nurses president
University of Virginia School of Nursing Dean Pamela Cipriano was elected as the 29th president of the International Council of Nurses at the group’s Council of National Nursing Association Representatives on Oct. 6. Cipriano, who is also the U.Va. Sadie Health Cabaniss Professor of Nursing, was president of the American Nurse[...]
Va. Tech Innovation Campus hires communications and marketing director
The Virginia Tech Innovation Campus in Alexandria hired Franki Fitterer as the director of communications and marketing, the university announced Monday. Fitterer joined the campus’ team on Aug. 25. Fitterer will direct marketing and communications strategy for the Innovation Campus and will focus on enrollment marketing and t[...]
Pat Robertson steps down as 700 Club host, effective immediately
Pat Robertson, founder of the Virginia Beach-based Christian Broadcasting Network, announced Friday that it was his last day as daily host of “The 700 Club,” on the show’s 60th anniversary broadcast. His son, Gordon P. Robertson, will take over as full-time host, the 91-year-old TV evangelist said. Robertson, o[...]