Port, Army Corps formalize dredging cost-share agreement
The Port of Virginia and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers signed an agreement Friday that formalized their collaboration on the Norfolk Harbor dredging project to deliver the East Coast’s widest and deepest channels by 2024. The Army Corps also will use federal funding to award its first construction contract for the project, which started […]
Port of Virginia in midst of major upgrades
For seemingly the first time ever, the shipping and logistics industry dominated all the headlines, Stephen Edwards, CEO and executive director of the Virginia Port Authority, which oversees the Port of Virginia, told a crowd of about 460 at the State of the Port event Thursday in Virginia Beach. At the annual event, hosted by […]
Authority of the port
In January, Stephen Edwards became the new CEO and executive director of the Virginia Port Authority, which oversees the Port of Virginia. The former CEO of Los Angeles-based TraPac, which operates container terminals in California and Florida, Edwards succeeds John Reinhart, who retired after seven years at the authority’s helm. During his tenure, Reinhart steered […]