Some SWVA communities see younger population stabilize
In Southwest Virginia, the trend of outmigration among younger people appears to be slowing and even reversing in some counties. The decline in the population aged 25 to 44 in Wise and Lee counties has slowed during the first half of the 2020s compared with the early 2010s, according to University of Virginia Weldon Cooper […]
Southwest tourism spending climbs
Visitor spending in Southwest Virginia reached $766 million in 2023, a 12% increase from 2022, according to data from the Virginia Tourism Corp. The region also saw a 29% increase from 2019, a rise that puts it well above that of the state as a whole, which saw a 15% increase in tourism revenue from […]
All in good time
For decades, the promise of economic revitalization has tantalized Southwest Virginia. The sparsely populated region, once home to booming coal mining and tobacco industries, has had money and resources thrown at it by local, state and federal governments, but it’s still had a difficult time finding its footing. As the region’s economy has declined, so […]
Health Wagon CEO’s pay gains attention
Once best known outside the region for its role in an annual Remote Area Medical pop-up clinic at the Wise County Fairgrounds, Southwest Virginia‘s Health Wagon has gained new notoriety — and lost state funding — over executive pay. After Cardinal News reported in May that Health Wagon President and CEO Teresa Gardner Tyson makes […]
Appalachian Community Capital to launch Green Bank
Appalachian Community Capital, the Christiansburg-based community development financial institution for the Appalachian Valley, plans to launch the Green Bank for Rural America with a $500 million award from the Environmental Protection Agency, it announced Friday. Focused on financing up to 2,000 new energy projects that could create up to 13,000 jobs, the Green Bank will […]
Emory & Henry names interim president
Louise “Lou” Fincher, Emory & Henry University’s senior vice president, has been named interim president of the Washington County-based private college beginning Aug. 1, as President John W. Wells steps down and becomes the school’s first chancellor in late July. Fincher is also the inaugural dean of the E&H School of Health Sciences, a position […]
CENTRAL VIRGINIA Richmond-based Atlantic Union Bankshares completed its acquisition of Danville-based American National Bankshares, parent company of American National Bank and Trust, on April 1. Based on the $35.31 per share closing price of Atlantic Union common stock on March 28, the transaction value was approximately $507 million. The deal was announced in July 2023, […]
Making headway
With recent expansions nearly complete, and a new Southwest Virginia port under consideration, it’s been a busy year for the commonwealth’s inland ports. The industrial market from Hampton Roads to Richmond has expanded in terms of industrial space available, says Devon Anders, president of the Harrisonburg-based InterChange Group and chair of the Virginia Maritime Association’s [...]
Southwest Va. Big Deal: Land ho!
The largest business deal announced during the past year in Southwest Virginia is an agreement between Dallas-based Fortune 100 natural gas and propane pipeline transport company Energy Transfer, Virginia’s nonprofit Energy DELTA Lab and Wise County to develop energy infrastructure in the region. Under the agreement, the partners will work with energy companies and electric […]
Southwest Va. Year-in-Review: A wide range
A local connection helped bring an impactful business project to Southwest Virginia. Daniel Kennedy, who was born and spent his early days in St. Paul, was instrumental in bringing home one of the largest manufacturing deals in years. Data center storage rack manufacturer Tate struck a deal in early November 2023 to occupy a long-vacant, […]
United Way of SWVA spins off workforce programs
The United Way of Southwest Virginia is spinning off its workforce development programs by establishing a new nonprofit, EO, to oversee them, UWSWVA announced Feb. 20. EO, which stands for Endless Opportunity, is also Latin for “go.” The new nonprofit will manage what has been the UWSWVA’s $10 million portfolio of grant-funded workforce development programs, […]
Addiction recovery center set to open in Dickenson County
Kentucky-based Addiction Recovery Care is expanding its addiction recovery services into Virginia. Opening in Dickenson County in early to mid-2024, Wildwood Recovery Center, ARC’s first recovery center in the state, will provide treatment for substance use disorders in a residential program allowing individuals to stay for up to one year. ARC’s mission goes beyond recovery, […]