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Sentara Healthcare

Virginia Tech scientists Linda Wang (left) and Carla Finkielstein analyze COVID-19 samples. Photo courtesy Virginia Tech
Nov 10, 2020

Three Va. labs selected for OneLab Network

The state Department of General Services and Virginia Department of Health awarded three Virginia laboratories contracts to participate in the state’s new OneLab Network, aimed to expand the commonwealth’s COVID-19 testing capacity, the departments announced Tuesday. The OneLab Network, established by DGS’ Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services (DCLS) and VDH, formalizes a [...]

Tim Skeen
Nov 3, 2020

Sentara names senior VP, CIO

Norfolk-based Sentara Healthcare announced Monday it has named Tim Skeen as senior vice president and chief information officer, effective Nov. 9. Skeen most recently worked for Anthem Inc., where he was chief operating officer and had also served as enterprise chief information officer, He oversaw Anthem’s technology and government business divisions.  With experience in enterprise [&helli[...]

Aug 31, 2020

16 Va. hospitals ranked on national LGBTQ benchmarking tool

Sixteen Virginia hospitals earned a top score of 100 on the 2020 Healthcare Equality Index survey, a national LGBTQ benchmarking tool from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), released Monday.  HEI evaluated more than 1,700 health care facilities’ policies and practices related to equality and inclusion of their lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning […]

Aug 29, 2020

Health Care

NANCY HOWELL AGEE PRESIDENT AND CEO, CARILION CLINIC, ROANOKE With 13,000-plus health care employees, Carilion Clinic is the largest Roanoke Valley employer, and Agee was born to lead the health system. The Emory University and University of Virginia graduate was delivered at Roanoke Memorial, now one of Carilion’s seven hospitals. She also was a surgical […]

Aug 12, 2020

Sentara Healthcare to merge with N.C. health system

Norfolk-based Sentara Healthcare announced Wednesday it has signed a letter of intent to combine organizations with Greensboro, North Carolina-based Cone Health. Transaction details were not disclosed. Sentara President and CEO Howard P. Kern will oversee the combined organization, which will have about $11.5 billion in combined revenue. The corporate headquarters of each organization will remain [...]

Sentara Brock Cancer Center. Photo courtesy Sentara Healthcare
Jun 19, 2020

Sentara opens $93.5M Brock Cancer Center in Norfolk

Norfolk-based Sentara Healthcare announced Friday it has opened the $93.5 million, 253,000-square-foot Sentara Brock Cancer Center, a patient treatment and care facility in Norfolk.  The facility, which started construction in March 2018, opened to patients on June 1. It’s named for philanthropists Joan Brock and her late husband Macon. A three-time cancer survivor, Joan Brock […]


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