Professional Services: Law firms not ready to jump headfirst into risky tech
Artificial intelligence continues to make headway into most industries, as C-suite professionals test AI-powered tools’ potential for cost savings and efficiency. Some people are even asking whether the speed of AI could finally kill off the billable hour. Not so fast, Siri. Clients often are not fans of the hourly billing model, which averaged $370 […]
It’s alive — with possibilities
Just a word of friendly warning: Our November cover story is one of the strangest tales ever told. I think it will thrill you. It may shock you. It might even horrify you. So, if any of you feel you do not wish to subject your nerves to such a strain, now’s your chance to […]
The next frontier
You come down with coldlike symptoms. Flu season is here, and a new COVID subvariant is circulating. As the illness lingers, you question whether you should see a doctor. Imagine putting your symptoms into a chatbot connected to your doctor’s office or health system that can retrieve your medical records, evaluate your information and recommend […]
Why ChatGPT just might save the humanities
Not surprisingly, the release of ChatGPT has produced a host of concerns about its potentially harmful effects on society. In higher education, commonly cited concerns center on threats to academic integrity, particularly the worry that students may soon depend on generative AI to do their thinking and writing. In response to these challenges, many schools […]
Our new AI overlords
A worker who never tires — who never needs to take a coffee break, who doesn’t get sick, who doesn’t disagree and who doesn’t have a messy home life or those pesky families that get in the way of productivity. And most importantly, a worker who doesn’t require a paycheck. For some CEOs, that’s the […]
Tech support
With the combination of new tech businesses and older companies employing artificial intelligence and other innovations, Virginia needs lawyers who know the difference between bitcoin and blockchain. As the commonwealth becomes home to more defense contracting giants, along with Inc.’s HQ2, law firms and law schools are busy bringing attorneys and students up to […]