Trump Town owner found not guilty of assault, indecent exposure
A judge Monday found Donald “Whitey” Taylor, owner of Boones Mill’s Trump Town retail store, not guilty of misdemeanor charges of indecent exposure and assaulting three store employees. “It was very rewarding,” Taylor said of the verdict. “These ladies were just looking for money.” Requests for comment from the Franklin County‘s Commonwealth’s Attorney and to [&hellip[...]
Trump Town owner calls assault, indecent exposure charges ‘fake news’
Donald “Whitey” Taylor, owner of Trump Town, a Boones Mill store dedicated to merchandise celebrating the 45th president, and a candidate for mayor in that same small town, was arrested Tuesday on charges of indecent exposure and assaulting store employees. Taylor, 74, sent a text to Virginia Business, describing the criminal charges against him as […]
Boones Mill store plays Trump card
The red, white and blue Trump Town sign hanging high upon a former Boones Mill church is as prominent as a sign can be without being lit by neon. But in case drivers passing through town somehow miss it, there’s also a 15-foot cutout of a smiling Donald J. Trump leaning up against the building, […]