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August 2023 Virginia 500 Spotlight: BYRON L. BOSTON

CEO, co-chief investment officer, Dynex Capital Inc., Glen Allen

August 2023 Virginia 500 Spotlight: BYRON L. BOSTON

CEO, co-chief investment officer, Dynex Capital Inc., Glen Allen

//July 30, 2023//

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FIRST JOB: From my freshman year of high school through my senior year of college, I worked as an usher in St. Louis. It was a great first job — I worked major sporting events and at the Gateway Arch.

HOBBY/PASSION: I’m very passionate about physical fitness, and kayaking is one of my favorite hobbies.

WHO I ADMIRE: I admire my parents greatly. They were simply and truly good human beings — caring, compassionate, good to other people and very reliable.

DID YOU KNOW? A first-generation college student, Boston graduated from Dartmouth College in 1981 with an economics degree and went on to earn his MBA from the University of Chicago in 1986. He joined Dynex, a real estate investment trust with a market capitalization of more than $673 million, in 2008 as chief investment officer and became CEO in December 2014. Boston established a scholarship for first-generation students at Dartmouth.


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