Profile of Radlyn Mendoza, Gardner & Mendoza PC, Virginia Beach and list
Profile of Radlyn Mendoza, Gardner & Mendoza PC, Virginia Beach and list
Staff Reports //December 2, 2019//
Title: Founder/immigration attorney
Birthplace: Portsmouth
Education: Bachelor’s degree, Old Dominion University; law degree, Seton Hall University School of Law
Spouse: John Gardner, my law partner and firm co-founder
Children: Three daughters: Mia, 16; Sami, 13; and Rae, 8.
Hobbies or pastimes: Traveling, cooking, challenging myself every couple of years to do something crazy (to me), like a triathlon, officiating a wedding, walking on hot coals, etc.
Fan of: I am a huge fan of Girls on the Run, a local nonprofit, which teaches girls in grades 3-8 how to handle social pressure, life skills and strategies, while creatively integrating running.
Recently read book: “The Coaching Habit” by Michael Bungay Stanier
Career mentors: Jim Tom Haynes in Washington, D.C., and my partner and husband, John Gardner. He’s my life coach!
How did your background contribute to your decision to become an immigration lawyer? My parents are Filipino immigrants, and I grew up in an international grocery store, so it was a great fit. It definitely helps to have that background to be able to relate to my clients.
How has legal immigration changed during the past two years? I hate complaining, but it’s tougher to get routine cases timely approved for our clients. Evidence that was acceptable a couple of years ago for a startup business here in the U.S., for example, is no longer acceptable. We are seeing more requests for evidence, which puts a financial strain on business owners hiring foreign nationals. I have colleagues suing in federal court and winning for USCIS [U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services] denials. That’s bad for business and the economy and needlessly clogs up our courts.
Immigration Law list
Hadeel Abouhasira
Williams Mullen
D. Earl Baggett
Williams Mullen
William Benos
Williams Mullen
Lakshmi Challa
Challa Law Group PLC
Glen Allen
Mahalakshmi Challa
Challa Law Offices PLC
Glen Allen
Fabienne Chatain
Elliot and Chatain PLLC
Silver Spring, Maryland
Debra J.C. Dowd
Dowd & Co. PC
Anna Ernest
Ernest Law Group
Virginia Beach
John Gardner
Gardner & Mendoza PC
Virginia Beach
David Gluckman
McCandlish Holton PC
Naureen Hyder
Hyder Immigration Law
Lisa Johnson-Firth
Immigrants First PLLC
Nosuk Kim
Cowardin, Kim & Riddle PLC
Newport News
Helen L. Konrad
McCandlish Holton PC
Anne C. Lahren
Pender & Coward PC
Virginia Beach
Nancy M. Lawrence
Odin, Feldman & Pittleman PC
Crystal Malik
McCandlish Holton PC
Irina Manelis
Manelis Law PLLC
Glen Allen
Radlyn Mendoza
Gardner & Mendoza PC
Virginia Beach
Mara Mijal
Serratelli Mijal PLLC
Virginia Beach
Anthony H. Monioudis
Anthony H. Monioudis, Esq. PLC
Jonathan Moore
McCandlish Holton PC
Lysandra Pachuta
Henson Pachuta & Kammerman PLLC
Christine Poarch
Poarch Law Firm
Andrea Rahal
Rahal Immigration Law PLC
Mark Rhoads
McCandlish Holton PC
Arthur Serratelli
Serratelli Mijal PLLC
Virginia Beach
Satnam Singh
Satnam Singh, Attorney at Law
Jennifer Grace Smyrnos
Grace Immigration PLLC
Jacquelyn E. Stone
McGuireWoods LLP
Daniel Sullivan
Johnson, Rosen & O’Keeffe
Emily Sumner
Sumner Immigration Law
Soulmaz Taghavi
Novo Taghavi LTD
Ralph Tener
McCandlish Lillard
Rachel L.D. Thompson
Poarch Law
Charles Tievsky
Tievsky Immigration Law
Hugo Valverde
Valverde Law PLLC
Virginia Beach
James Wood
Willcox Savage PC
Kristin A. Zech
Berenzweig Leonard LLP