Will support Superfund cleanup, water security efforts
Will support Superfund cleanup, water security efforts
GDIT will provide program support and infrastructure to the EPA’s Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation by applying technical, scientific, analytical chemistry and IT services under a contract valued up to $195 million. The Superfund Quality and Sample Support contract has a two-year base period followed by three two-year options. GDIT’s services will support the office’s mission to clean up contaminated Superfund sites.
Under a second contract, GDIT will provide technical, cyber, education and program management services to the EPA’s Water Infrastructure and Cyber Resilience division under a five-year $185 million technical support contract to protect and secure the nation’s drinking water and wastewater infrastructure from natural disasters, terrorism, cyberattacks and climate change.
“For more than 40 years, GDIT has partnered with the EPA on many environmental initiatives that are vital to the protection of public health in communities across the U.S.,” Darby Chellis Bade, GDIT’s vice president for EPA programs and climate initiatives, said in a statement. “At GDIT, we are committed to sustainability and delivering mission-critical environmental programs for our customers. This work inspires our scientists and IT professionals who are passionate about protecting our environment and enhancing climate resilience for current and future generations.”
GDIT is a business unit of Reston-based Fortune 500 aerospace and defense contractor General Dynamics Corp. General Dynamics employs more than 100,000 people worldwide and in 2022 reported $39.4 billion in revenue, an increase of 2.4% from 2021.